Monday, September 17, 2007

Ohhhh, Pooh.....

We have postponed our trip until the end of March, 2008. Mom has injured her back and she just cannot travel right now. We have rescheduled our flights (and saved money) and we are in the process of rebooking our hotels, apartment, and B&B's.

We have saved over $200 each on our airfare. We have reservations at the B&B in Rome where we wanted to stay in October but they were booked. This place is perfect for us! They are out of town a bit but they shuttle their guests everywhere they need to go. They even do road trips to sites miles away for very reasonable prices. I think we will be very happy there.

I'm in charge of booking our 2 days in Paris. We weren't going to go to Paris on the first trip but have decided that we cannot go that far and NOT see the Louve and the historic sites of the City of Love. It's going to be an action packed romp but I know we will forever be glad we went.
I will be back with more details as plans come together.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

One Month From Now.........

In one month the four of us will be be heading to Milan to begin our adventure. The excitement is building. The shopping is nearing a fever pitch. The phone calls between us are excallating to a daily occurance. Mom is recovering from a back injury we we are checking on her progress and encouraging her with words, love and prayer. She is improving and, as always, has a great attitude.

It is difficult for me to think about anything else. I'm making lists, checking old ones and sorting through my closet to make sure I have what I need to wear. We have agreed to pack light. Carol and I will most likely each carry 1/2 of Mom's belonging so she doesn't have to take a suitcase. She's not happy about this BUT we do not want to risk her further injuring herself. An ounce of prevention.........etc....

More soon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Welcome To 4 Gals In Italy

The welcome mat is out and you are encouraged to come back anytime for updates on our Italian Adventure. I will post as often as I can at little Internet Cafes as we negotiate our way from Milan to Verona, Venice, Florence, Rome, Positano, Capri, back to Rome, back to Florence, with side trips to Piza and other delightful places to be decided as we go along.

To say we are excited is a total understatement. We have been planning this trip for seven months. Carol has done an excellent job of booking our plane reservations and all of our hotel, B&B, and apartment accommodations along the way. Cari has put together the itinerary for the first 16 days of our trip. She lived in Florence for 2 and 1/2 months while studying art history and knows her way around. She will be our guide and leader as we learn the ropes of traveling in a foreign country. She will be returning home on Oct. 20 to go back to school leaving Carol, Mom and me on our own until November 1.